Corporate governance

The Directors acknowledge the importance of high standards of corporate governance and, given the Company’s size and the constitution of the Board, have formally adopted and intend to comply fully with the QCA Code.

The QCA Code sets out a standard of minimum best practice for small and mid-size quoted companies, particularly AIM companies.

Board Committees

The Audit Committee has primary responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness of the internal controls and risk management systems, ensuring that the financial performance of the Company is properly measured and reported on. The Audit Committee will review reports from the Group’s auditors relating to the Group’s accounting and internal controls, in all cases having due regard to the interests of Shareholders.

The Audit Committee oversees the relationship with the Company’s external auditors (including advising on their appointment, agreeing the scope of the audit and reviewing the audit findings).

The Audit Committee will meet at least twice a year at appropriate times in the reporting and audit cycle and otherwise as required and will also meet regularly with the Company’s external auditors.

The Audit Committee comprises three Non-Executive Directors. The committee members are:

  • Francesca Tiritiello (Chair)
  • Emma Woods
  • Brandon Stephens

The full Terms of Reference can be found here.

The Nomination Committee is responsible for reviewing the structure, size and composition of the Board, preparing a description of the role and capabilities required by a particular appointment and identifies and nominates, for the approval of the Board, candidates to fill board vacancies as and when they arise. The Nomination Committee will meet as required.

The Nomination Committee comprises three Non-Executive Directors. The committee members are:

  • Emma Woods (Chair)
  • Brandon Stephens
  • Francesca Tiritiello

The full Terms of Reference can be found here.

The Remuneration Committee reviews the performance of the executive directors and other designated senior executives and, within the terms of the agreed framework, determines their terms and conditions of service, including their remuneration packages, including where appropriate, bonuses, incentive payments and the grant of share options or other share awards, having due regard to the interests of Shareholders.

The Remuneration Committee meets at least once a year and otherwise as required.

The Remuneration Committee comprises three Non-Executive Directors. The committee members are:

  • Francesca Tiritiello (Chair)
  • Emma Woods
  • Brandon Stephens

The full Terms of Reference can be found here.

Our Policies & Statements

Read our Environment Social Governance (ESG) Impact Report for the period FY 2022 – June 2023 here.

Our Climate Transition Plan can be viewed here.

Our Net Zero Methodology can be viewed here, and final report viewed here.

Our Corporate Governance Statement can be viewed here.

Our Gender Pay Gap statement can be viewed here.

Our Modern Day Slavery Statement can be viewed here.

Our Section 172 Statement can be viewed here.